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Premier émulateur d'Atari Jaguar à être compatible avec tout le catalogue commercial de la console. Fidèle, rapide, avec le support des sauvegardes d'état, replays, Jaguar CD, Jaguar VR, shaders, multi-joueurs avec un système de plugins.

Disponible sur l'app Store pour 10€.

Capture d'écran de BigPEmu sur iPad (Atari Jaguar)



• Added a script for Raiden touch control. Ship automatically travels to the touch point and auto-fires when held, with a 2-finger tap to trigger bombs.

• Added a script for Vid Grid touch control. Drag and drop!

• Added a script for Towers II touch control. (with an option to uncap the framerate) In-game menu cursor is touch-driven, 2-finger tap exits the menu.

• Added a script for Myst touch control. Hold to drag the cursor, tap to activate.

• Added some scripting functionality to allow setting custom read/write handlers for non-RAM/ROM memory regions.

• The iOS port now prompts the user to determine their battery/heat versus performance preference on first run. (since we can't just be energy-efficient without the iOS scheduler punishing us, and I'm not having any luck getting anyone to read the FAQ/user manual)

• The iOS port now has a separate "Connected Idle Time" setting, which defaults to 3.0 and is used instead of "Overlay Idle Time" when at least one external device is connected. (workaround for the same FAQ/user manual problem above)

• Added lots of random new scripting functionality.

• Fixed game thumbnails rendering at the incorrect scale in portrait mode.


 - The iOS port is done, get it on the App Store here: Special thanks to neurocrash for putting so much time into testing the iOS build for me.
- Lots of new interface functionality (including a touch-based interface option), courtesy of the mobile port work. All of this functionality can be accessed through the menu on non-mobile platforms.
- Multi-touch device support has been added for the Windows (x64 and ARM64) platforms, in order to take advantage of the touch interface work done for the mobile ports.
- Added a "Pad Wheel" feature, which can be activated through the input binding system.
- Support for a new BigPImage disc format. BigPImage files can be created from existing images or physical discs through the developer menu. Before anyone asks, CHD support looked problematic for quite a few reasons (mostly pertaining to the likelihood of image-based performance problems and implementation bloat inherent to the format), making this new format a much more optimal choice for the particular needs of this emulator.
- Added stereoscopic rendering support to the AvP script.
- Added a new DOOM script with throttling and music options.
- Added a new turbo/rapid fire script.
- Added a "Factory Reset" option, as a convenient means of resetting the configuration across all categories.
- Added an option to auto-assign new input devices. Devices will not be auto-assigned if they have any existing associations with any Jaguar inputs.
- Fixed an incredible number of bugs, pertaining to both interface and emulation. Because so many fixes have been made to the emulator core in this release, I'm especially interested in finding regression bugs. Please let me know if you experience any issues which don't occur in 1.15.


Rich Whitehouse

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