* When looking up built-in functions, ^ and ↑ are now considered equal. This
fixes problems with program typing and pasting, and with direct command
mapping in certain skins, specifically HP-41G and the Mueck_F42* skins.
(Note: this is a related but separate issue from the updates to the Mueck
skins' *.raw support files three days ago.)
* More accurate integer powers of complex numbers. Specifically: special cases
for pure real, pure imaginary, and numbers of the form a+ai and a-ai.
* Fixed VIEW for long values.
* Windows and Linux versions: Fixed handling of skins with non-zero offsets of
the main image (the top left corner of the Skin: line).
* Added a few characters to the character set, in order to allow copying and
pasting text between Free42 and Plus42 without losing information.
* iOS version: Implemented Swipe to Delete in the file selector dialog.
* The CUSTOM menu didn't stick reliably, due to a bug introduced in 3.2. Fixed.
* Fixed crash when trying to load invalid skins.
* Added IDENT function. This returns the app's version number as an integer,
in aabbccdd format, with 3.1.12b formatted as 3011202, for example.
* XROMs are now decoded immediately when pasting.
* iOS version: Removed noise from annunciator area in the Standard-4" and
Standard-X skins.
3.2b (Android and iOS)
* More keyboard fixes.
3.2a (Android only)
* Pop-up keyboard typing fixes.
* Program locking, to prevent accidental editing of programs. This is done
using the LOCK and UNLOCK functions. See the Free42 web site for details.
* Improved display contrast in the built-in skins.
* Android and iOS versions: Pop-up ALPHA keyboard, for easier text entry.
* Linux version: Dark Mode support.