If you're on Android and already have it installed from Google Play, your update will arrive within a week (to catch crashes early).
iOS will also receive the update on the App Store. Howevwer, the Apple Store review process has been problematic recently (if this continues, a lengthy write-up is coming...), so it may take a quite long time before it's up, unfortunately.
For details on the changes, see the news item.
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Overview of fixes in 1.18
- iOS support is now official and has been greatly improved, compared to old side-loaded builds. It's now nearly feature complete, only missing microphone emulation and a few minor UX things like easily setting a background image in the menu. A lot of iOS-specific optimizations have been implemented to keep performance as good as possible, even though we can't use JIT.
- A lot of potential crashes have been fixed, both in-game and in the UI
- A number of rendering and video playback problems have been fixed
- Input changes: More mappable actions, the AxisSwap feature has been fixed
- UI changes: Game info can be reached in-game, you can install savegames directly from zip files, etc
- The Android VR build got "immersive mode" which makes better use of the built-in motion compensation, and many other fixes. Lubos explans it in this video.
- And of course a huge amount of small bugfixes and performance improvements around the code base.